ScreenToRealworld AR project

ScreenToRealworld AR project (bring any e-commerce product to life)

-        “Enabling Augmented Reality for all the e-commerce sites in the planet is the goal of this project"

-        Users can Drag any product from any ecommerce store from their computer screen (even if the store is not AR/3D enabled) and preview it in AR.  No matters, if  it was dress you can wear (By using body tracking technology)  them or furniture (you can place them in your floor)

-        Our vision was to reduce the gap between AR/3D enabled e-commerce products vs total number of products listed on e-commerce sites.

-        So we were working on a viable solution that supplements 3D content scarcity through ML. We were creating a lens with a mobile optimized version of basenet model (saliency detection) to extract e-commerce products from the computer screen and place them/Wear it in AR.

-        This helps the user to make confident buying decisions and at the same time immediately turn all the products AR ready (even without digital twin or 3D version of product is available). So it could potentially push AR e-commerce to the mainstream immediately. So the mass audience crowd will start using AR as a part of their shopping routine.

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